County Clerk’s Office
Moro, OR 97039
Mailing address:
Sherman County Clerk's Office
PO Box 243
Moro, OR 97039
About the Sherman County Clerk
The County Clerk is elected to be the official keeper of public records for Sherman County. This includes maintaining official records for real property transactions, County Court and Budget Committee minutes, ordinances, resolutions, agreements, and other miscellaneous county documents. Maps prepared by a licensed surveyor also are filed at this office. The Clerk is responsible for record management as prescribed by Oregon Revised Statutes.
Sherman County is one of six counties in the state where jurisdiction of all probate matters, causes, and proceedings are vested in the County Court. The County Clerk serves as Clerk of the County Court for matters involving probate, small estate, and juvenile cases.
The County Clerk also is the county election official charged with registering voters, maintaining up-to-date voting lists, accepting declarations of candidacy for public office, and coordinating the conduct of elections at the county level. The clerk ensures that elections are conducted in an open, fair, unbiased manner consistent with state and federal election laws.
Property Value Appeals Board (PVAB) functions are coordinated by the County Clerk. The clerk plans, coordinates, and records PVAB hearings. The PVAB Clerk is responsible for maintaining the official board record in accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes and Oregon Administrative Rules. PVAB receives appeals from property tax payers on issues of equity concerning property tax assessments, following procedures directed by the Oregon Department of Revenue.
Marriage licenses and declarations of domestic partnership are issued by the County Clerk, who is authorized to solemnize marriages. The Clerk’s Office provides additional services including Notary Public, acts as a Passport Acceptance Agent, and assists with property, historical, and genealogy research.
Online Information
- Sherman County Survey Map
- Passport Information & Applications (Passport Photos - $10)
- Passport Fees
- Passport Frequently Asked Questions
- Passport Photo Requirements
- Check Your Passport Application Status
- Oregon Vital Records - Birth/Death Certificates
- Where to Write for Vital Records or Express Certificate Service
- Sherman County Records Inventory
- Oregon Government Ethics Law: A Guide for Public Officials
- Ethics Guide for Public Officials - 2015 Supplement
- Oregon State Legislature: How Ideas Become Law
- Find Your Legislator
- Public Records Request Form
- Electronic Recordings
The staff of the Sherman County Clerk’s Office strives to provide professional, effective service to the public. The Sherman County Clerk has made every effort to make sure the information on this page is correct. However, in the event any information is incorrect, Sherman County assumes no liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly as a result of incomplete, incorrect, or omitted information. If you do find any information that is incorrect, please notify us so that errors can be corrected.