Category: Community news

Sherman County Medical Clinic’s Response to COVID-19

We wanted to reach out to all of you to let you know what the Sherman County Medical Clinic is doing in response to COVID-19. At the current time we do not have any testing supplies to be able to test for COVID-19, nor do we have a timeline for when we might receive tests. We … Continued

Resolution 04-03-2020

The Sherman County Court passed a Resolution and Order Declaring a State of Emergency in Sherman County on March 23, 2020. THIS MATTER came before the County Court for Sherman County (the “Court”) sitting as the governing body for the transaction of Sherman County (the “County”) business at a special County Court meeting on March … Continued

Courthouse Update

COVID -19 Update – The Courthouse is CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC.  We are sill available by phone.  The secured red drop box located at the north end of the front sidewalk is available to leave documents, etc. for all offices. Thank you for your patience!

Senior Center Update

After receiving word from Kate Brown to temporarily suspend any gatherings of 10+ vulnerable seniors, we have decided to serve lunch as usual today. However starting tomorrow Tuesday, March 17th we will only be offering to-go lunches temporarily. We are asking that people call 541-565-3191 to place a to-go order by 10:30 am each day, … Continued


The CDC suggests the following tips to keep yourself and others healthy: • Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. • Stay home when you are sick • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw … Continued

Quorum may be present

A quorum of the County Court may be present at a North Central Public Health meeting on Thursday, March 5th at 1:00 p.m. at the Sherman County Courthouse at 500 Court Street, Moro, OR 97039.

County Court – March 18, 2020

The next regularly scheduled court session will be held March 18, 2020 at 9:00 am in the Grass Valley Pavilion.  The most current agenda can be found on the County Court page.  If you wish to be on the agenda, please contact Tammi Gaskey at 541-565-3416 or

County Court – February 19, 2020

The next regularly scheduled court session will be held February 19, 2020 at 8:30 am in the Commissioners Meeting Room of the Sherman County Courthouse.  The most current agenda can be found on the County Court page.  If you wish to be on the agenda, please contact Tammi Gaskey at 541-565-3416 or

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