Sherman County Courthouse

County Court


Sherman County Court
500 Court Street
Moro, OR 97039

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 365
Moro, OR 97039
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Typically closed from 12 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. for lunch

County Court

About the Sherman County Court

Called a “County Court” to reflect historical responsibilities of the office, the Sherman County Court sets policy and manages the business affairs of the County, including apportioning and levying taxes. County Court also oversees the organization and budgeting of all County programs.

The Chair of the Sherman County Court is the County Judge. The County Judge also handles juvenile and probate court matters.

County Court meets at 9 a.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month to conduct the business of the County. Meetings are held in the Commissioners Meeting room at the Sherman County Courthouse.  To talk to someone about adding an item to the agenda, please call Tammi Gaskey at 541-565-3416 or email  All items must be added to the agenda by Noon on Monday the week of County Court.  Any agenda items received after the deadline will be added to the next County Court agenda.

These meetings are open to the public and public comment is accepted.

County Court Regularly Scheduled Meeting Schedule 2025

Draft Ordinance Setting Boundaries for Solar Power Generation Facilities 2025

Draft Outdoor Burn Ordinance 2025

Public Comment Instructions

During County Court sessions, members of the public wishing to speak can indicate this by raising a hand. The County Judge will acknowledge the speaker and ask for name identification for the minutes. After being called on and providing name identification, the speaker may give comment.

During a public hearing, the County Judge will open up the floor for public comment. The above procedure will take place after this.

The time allotted for a speaker’s comment is determined by the County Judge. Typically, the time-limit for a single speaker’s comment is two minutes. This will vary depending on the topic at hand and the time-constraints of the agenda.

The County Court thanks citizens for their  participation in Sherman County governance. The Court values the citizens of Sherman County, and participation allows the Court to better serve the community at large.

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