District Attorney’s Office
Second Floor Addition
500 Court Street
Moro, OR 97039
Mailing Address:
Sherman County DA
P.O. Box 393
Moro, OR 97039
Closed noon to 1 p.m. for lunch
District Attorney’s Office
About the District Attorney's Office
The Office of the District Attorney (DA) is a constitutional state office established to enforce the criminal laws of the State of Oregon. The District Attorney is elected into office to represent Sherman County in court. Wade M. McLeod serves as the current Sherman County DA.
Current DA Platform
"The Office of the District Attorney is dedicated to educating criminals that public safety and quality of life is of high priority. The Office of the District Attorney is getting this message out in a strong way by combining innovative and traditional methods. The District Attorney is aggressively implementing the will of the voters. This means 'getting tough on crime,' stiffer prison sentences, and advocating for victims. The Office of the District Attorney wants Sherman County to be a wonderful and safe place for law-abiding residents and visitors."
Please Note: District Attorney Offices are prohibited from providing legal advice to the public. Thank you for not asking for legal advice!! If you need help finding an attorney, go to http://www.oregonstatebar.org/public/ris.