Senior Center
Moro, OR 97039
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 352
Moro, OR 97039
Monday through Friday
Senior Center
About the Sherman County Senior & Community Center
Sherman County Senior & Community Center is a central place for services, activities, and social events for the people of Sherman County, Oregon. Its primary purpose is to enhance the lives of older adults by offering the opportunity for social, recreational, health & wellness, educational, and nutritional services and programs. Additionally, the center is available for the public to rent for social events, meetings, classes, and other activities which benefit our county’s wellbeing.
Schedule your month with activities at the Senior Center and beyond.
Center Services
We service lunch at 12:00, Noon sharp. First come, first served. If you have a group of 2 or more, please let the Kitchen staff know at 541-565-3191, the day before to ensure that we make enough food to serve!
Served at noon Monday - Friday
$5 Seniors (60 & over) / $8 General Public (12 to 60) (Please have exact change)
A limited meals-on-wheels program is growing with delivery of frozen microwavable meals throughout the county once a week.
Senior Center Activities
Groups use the Center lobby, dining room, and classroom for meetings, exercise classes, social gatherings, and training.
Internet & Computer Services
Internet access available upon request.
Rental Opportunities
The public may rent the dining room, kitchen, classroom, and lobby (also known as the "Fireside Room") for special events.