Filing Deadline for 2019 Board Elections

FebFebruary 9 2019

8:00am - 5:00pm Sherman County Courthouse

500 Court Street, Moro, Oregon 97039

Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, an election will be held in Sherman County, Oregon, for the purpose of electing board members to fill various public positions and terms. This includes any vacancy which may exist on the boards of the following districts:
* Kent Water District,
* Moro Rural Fire Protection District,
* North Central Education Service District,
* North Sherman County Rural Fire Protection District,
* Sherman County Health District,
* Sherman County School District, and
* South Sherman Fire Protection District.

Candidates can file by 5 p.m. March 21 at the Sherman County Courthouse in Moro, Oregon. For details on open positions see the February Citizen Gazette, page 7 ( This election will be conducted by mail.

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