Sherman County Community Transportation
Employment – Sherman County Community Transit Driver Position
Public Transit Driver: Sherman County Community Transportation is accepting applications for paid driver positions. Applicant must be comfortable driving in populated areas and in adverse weather and road conditions. Position may require applicant to physically assist passengers in addition to mobility devices i.e. walkers, wheel chairs, scooters.
Applicant Requirements:
- Part-Time, flexible hours dependent on transportation needs
- Minimum 21 years of age with a valid Oregon or Washington Driver’s License
- Pass a Back Ground Check (criminal history and driving record), pre-employment drug screen
- Required training provided upon hiring including Passenger Assistance, Defensive Driving, and CPR
Sherman County Community Transportation provides rides for non-emergency medical appointments to The Dalles, Portland, Bend and surrounding areas. Applications may be obtained at the Sherman County Courthouse from the Transportation office, located at 500 Court St, Moro, Oregon, or online at and Sherman County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For more information, please contact the transportation office at 541-565-3553. Position open until filled.
Sherman County Community Transit provides public transportation services according to Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, a federal statute prohibiting discrimination without regard to race, color or national origin.