Archives: FAQs

What incentives are offered to people who move to Sherman County?

Every household that moves to Sherman County and stays for a year is eligible for the county’s annual Resident Incentive Program; this program offers cash payments of around $600 per year. Anyone opening a non-retail business in the county’s Enterprise Zone is also eligible for a property tax credit of up to five years’ taxes. … Continued

Who is the Sherman County sheriff?

Our website has the name and contact information of the current sheriff. The Sherman County sheriff is directly accountable to the people, with an election every four years.

How many personnel does the Ambulance Service have?

Sherman County Ambulance Service has 12 Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), 3 EMT-Intermediates, 10 Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs), and 2 Certified Drivers. These personnel live throughout the county: Rufus, Wasco, Moro, Grass Valley, and Kent.

What is the coverage area for Sherman County Ambulance Service?

We cover all of Sherman County, which is 831 square miles. Thankfully, South Sherman Fire & Rescue District (RFPD) was able to step up and contract with the Oregon Raceway Park in Grass Valley to cover their events for full-county coverage when an ambulance is needed.

What is the average response time for the Ambulance Service?

The response time is a measurement of time that starts from the initial dispatch until the ambulance is enroute to the scene.  In 2021, the average response time for the Sherman County Ambulance Service was 7.45 minutes.  This year, the response time as of October is 6.0 minutes.  Both of these times are well within … Continued

How do I get notified of county emergency alerts?

Sign up for the Ever Bridge alert system at to receive alerts whenever a public emergency happens. Messages can be sent to individuals using a variety of contact mechanisms, including cell phones, landlines, emails, and text messaging in minutes. Citizens listed in the 9-1-1 database (phone books) are automatically subscribed by landline. However, we … Continued

What sort of cases are handled by the Sherman County Circuit Court?

The circuit court processes criminal felony and misdemeanor cases, including DUII diversions. Circuit court cases are prosecuted by the District Attorney’s office (DA) at the Sherman County Courthouse in Moro. Catch up on the circuit court rules. Find further court details at

Who is the Circuit Court judge?

There are four judges in the Seventh Circuit Court District who may be “on the bench” when a circuit-court case is heard in Sherman County. These four judges share responsibility for all Seventh District Circuit Courts in Gilliam, Hood River, Sherman, Wasco, and Wheeler counties.

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