Archives: FAQs

What scholarships are available locally for education?

For Civics Education Program Funding, print and fill out the Civics Education Program Funding Request Application, and submit it to the Office of the Sherman County Court, 500 Court Street, Moro. For state scholarships, register and apply through the Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion website,

How can I help kids in the community?

Thanks for asking! Sherman County is building a Prevention team that will look into strategies to promote healthy life choices. There also are a variety of youth programs you can volunteer for; you can join the Parent Teacher Organization/Boosters, become a Scholar reader, mentor a youth, train to be a Court-Appointed Special Advocate, and become … Continued

I think a child is being abused or neglected. What do I do?

Be cautious and refer the information for a professional to decide if there’s a safety threat — it is a confidential call and could save a life. Please call the Child Abuse Hotline at 1 (855) 541-0042. Note that Sherman County has one of the highest per-capita rates of enforcement against child abuse in Oregon.

Do we even have juvenile crime in Sherman County?

Yes. The caseload varies, but the Department consistently handles both drug violations and crimes from serious sex offenses to theft. Resources include supervision, drug testing, community service, fines, referrals, and case management.

Can you lock my child up for (X,Y,Z…)?

Probably not. In Oregon, a youth can only be detained for certain reasons: committing a violent crime on a person, committing a felony or A-level misdemeanor, not appearing for Court, or violating formal probation/conditions of release.

Where is the Sherman County Juvenile Court?

County juvenile court provides sanctions and services to youth ages 12-17 that are referred for law violations by law enforcement agencies. This court is at the Sherman County Courthouse, 500 Court Street in Moro. Learn more at the County Juvenile Court page.

What civil actions can be filed in the Justice Court?

Small Claims of $10,000.00 or less can be filed in Justice Court, provided at least one of the parties resides in Sherman County.  Claims exceeding $10,000.00 must be filed in Circuit Court. Eviction actions also can be filed in Justice Court.

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