Archives: FAQs

Does the Justice of the Peace perform weddings?

The Sherman County Justice Court’s Justice of the Peace typically performs weddings during Sherman County Courthouse business hours.  There is no charge and you may contact the Justice Court office, at (541) 565-3572, to arrange a date and time. Justice court hours are Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m. … Continued

How do I pay a Justice Court fine?

Payments may be made in person, through the mail, over the phone, or online.  Acceptable forms of payment are cash, check, cashier’s check, money order, and credit/debit card. Select the “Make a Payment” option on any FAQ page, or select the payment icon at the bottom of the Justice Court page, to make a payment … Continued

Am I entitled to an attorney for a traffic ticket?

Because citations filed into the Justice Court are for violations rather than traffic crimes, you are not entitled to a court-appointed attorney. However, you are entitled to seek representation at your own expense.

How do I respond if I am charged with a Justice Court violation?

If you have received a ticket for a traffic violation or some other form of violation, there are important steps that you must follow. You are innocent until proven guilty and you have the right to defend yourself or to obtain an attorney for your defense. Because these are not criminal charges, you are not … Continued

What is NORCOR?

Northern Oregon Regional Correctional Facilities, otherwise known as “NORCOR,” is a Regional Adult Corrections and Juvenile Detention complex that serves four counties: Gilliam, Hood River, Sherman, and Wasco counties. (In separate agreements, NORCOR also serves Benton County, the U.S. Marshals and Immigrations & Customs Enforcement [ICE].) NORCOR is in nearby The Dalles, Oregon. It is … Continued

What resources are there for people who have been a victim of a crime?

Information for victims of crime / domestic violence can be found at There’s also a Victim’s Advocacy Program, reached through the Sherman County District Attorney’s Office at (541) 565-3534.

Can I get a circuit court citation dismissed?

If you received a ticket for certain violations AND fixed or corrected the violation AND you can show proof to a violations clerk, prior to your court appearance, your citation may be eligible to be dismissed. Follow the process at

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