Archives: FAQs

How do I get involved with the Sherman County Prevention program?

The Prevention Program works closely with the Sherman County School District, Juvenile Court, and Sheriff’s Office — as well as other government and non-government agencies — to provide information and alternative activities for the youth of Sherman County.  To become involved, see the job descriptions and applications at the bottom of the Prevention page.

What is the Sherman County Prevention program?

The Sherman County Prevention Program is a county program that provides educational information to the public and youth regarding unsafe and unhealthy behaviors.  It is the long-term goal of the program to 1) decrease youth consumption of drugs and alcohol, 2) increase local awareness of illegal drug and alcohol use, and 3) decrease dangerous and … Continued

What services are performed by the Sherman County Finance Department?

The Finance Department, also known as the Financial Services Department or Finance & Tax Office, provides many services that support all Offices and Departments under Sherman County Government.  Services include:  Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Budget/Audit, and Road Cost Accounting. The Financial Services Department also administers Property Tax Collection and the Resident Incentive Program.

When and where can I recycle in Sherman County?

You can take your recycling to one of these self-haul depots:  Grass Valley (Mondays and Tuesdays, 1 to 3 p.m.); Moro (second Fridays and Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.), Wasco (third Fridays and Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.), and Rufus (fourth Fridays and Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). Free hazardous waste collections … Continued

What if I can’t pay the manufactured-structure tax by the due date?

You can instead pay three equal payments —on November 15th, February 15th, and May 15th — to prevent interest charges. Payment in full by November 15th provides a 3% discount and a 2/3rd payment by November 15th gives a 2% discount. Payments must be received or postmarked on or before November 15 to be eligible … Continued

When are taxes levied for manufactured structures?

The Sherman County Tax Office sends out manufactured structure tax statements in late October of each year representing taxes for the current tax year, July 1 through June 30.  The tax is due each year by November 15th.

How do I appeal my property value?

Sherman County’s Board of Property Tax Appeals offers a process for citizens to request a reduction of the value of their buildings, manufactured structures, land, industrial machinery, and industrial equipment. Appeal forms are online; see “How to appeal your property value” for further details on the hearing process. Note that property value, not taxes, are … Continued

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