Archives: FAQs

When will I receive my property tax statements?

Tax statements are mailed on or before October 25, to each property owner in the county. If you do not receive your statement by November 1, please call the Tax Department at (541) 565-3623.

Are there any senior living communities in Sherman County?

Sagewind Manor is a senior independent living facility in Moro, owned and operated by Mid-Columbia Housing Authority/Cascade Housing Authority. The manor has 12 one-bedroom apartments with air-conditioning, laundry hookup, private patio, and outside storage. Rent includes sewer, water, and garbage services. Call (541) 442-5526 or (541) 296-3397 for details. (For in-person assistance, the Site Manager … Continued

Is ongoing maintenance considered an Exception event?

General ongoing maintenance and repair — such as replacing a roof with a new roof made with the same quality materials as the original roof — do not qualify as Exception events. Therefore, you will not be penalized with an increased assessed value as a result of standard good maintenance.

Why is there an appraiser at my house?

Appraisers might visit your property to verify the terms and conditions of a recent sale; verify and/or update the property characteristics; appraise new construction; appraise remodels and additions; and appraise property for removal of exemptions or adjudications from prior appeals. Generally, appraisers will leave a business card on the front door. If you have received a … Continued

What is a property tax “exception event”?

Ballot Measure 50 limits Maximum Assessed Value (MAV) increases to 3% per year except under certain circumstances including, but not limited to: New construction/additions of more than $10,000 in one year or $25,000 over 5 years Remodel or significant rehabilitation of more than $10,000 in one year or $25,000 over 5 years Partitioning or subdivision … Continued

How is my Maximum Assessed Value (MAV) determined?

Maximum Assessed Value (MAV) was established by Ballot Measure 50 for the 1997-1998 tax year. MAV is the greater of 103% of the prior year’s assessed value (AV), or 100 percent of the prior year’s MAV, whichever is greater. MAV’s for properties that existed prior to 1995 were set based on the 1995-1996 Real Market … Continued

Why did my Assessed Value increase so much?

Your Assessed Value (AV) can increase for two reasons: An Exception Event Or if your previous year’s Real Market Value was lower than your Maximum Assessed Value and now your Real Market Value is more than your Maximum Assessed value. If so, you may see a jump in your Assessed Value, depending on how low … Continued

How is my Real Market Value (RMV) determined?

Real Market Value (RMV) is typically the price your property would sell for in a transaction between a willing buyer and a willing seller on January 1, the assessment date for the tax year. To estimate the initial RMV for your property, your county assessor appraises your property using a physical inspection and a comparison … Continued

How is my Assessed Value (AV) determined?

Assessed Value (AV) is the lower of last year’s Maximum Assessed Value (MAV) plus 3%, or the current Real Market Value (RMV). This value provides the baseline for your tax-bill calculation.

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