Archives: FAQs

How do I travel by mass transit outside of Sherman County?

Gorge TransLink offers fixed routes and schedules from Bend to Portland, connecting with Sherman Transit. To create your schedule call (877) 875-4657 or go to Gorge TransLink online. Meanwhile, Amtrak has a train that runs along the Columbia River and makes a stop at Rufus in northern Sherman County. From there, Amtrak’s rental car partner … Continued

Does the county offer excursion trips?

Sherman County Community Transit has historically provided excursion trips to events and areas of interest as time allows. To coordinate an excursion or express interest in a particular event, call Sherman Transit at (541) 565-3553.

Where will public transportation take me?

Sherman County Community Transit provides public transportation service throughout Sherman County to The Dalles, Portland and other cities for shopping, medical appointments and special events. Sherman County receives Oregon Department of Transportation [ODOT] Special Transportation Fund [STF] dollars and Federal 5310 Capital Funds to provide public transportation for seniors, disabled persons, and others as space … Continued

How do I get transportation to a medical appointment?

Veteran’s can receive a ride from Sherman County Transit by calling: 541-565-3553.  If you are also receiving Medical coverage through the Oregon Health plan, call 1-877-875-4657 to schedule a ride through Sherman County Transit.

How do I get an event permit?

If your event qualifies as a mass gathering, you must file a Mass Gathering Application with the Planning Department. An event is considered a “mass gathering” in Sherman County if it draws more than 250 people and can “reasonably be expected to continue for more than 24 consecutive hours but less than 120 hours within … Continued

Does the county require a business license?

Sherman County does not require a business license to do business with or within the county. However, the state of Oregon does require business registration, at a cost of $50 biannually. To be compliant, register your business at, and select that you intend to also do business from Sherman County. You’ll also want to … Continued

Is there a Farmers’ Newsletter for Sherman County?

Yes, contact the Oregon State University Extension Service in Moro to be added to its newsletter mailing list.  Archives are available online, at OSU also offers a research magazine through its Agricultural Experiment Station; subscribe for free. Use its Ask the Expert tool for further questions.

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