Archives: FAQs

What is the sales tax in Sherman County?

No sales tax is charged on food or other products purchased within Sherman County. Indeed, Oregon is one of five U.S. states without a state-wide sales tax — though municipalities can create their own. (While Oregon does not charge sales tax on general purchases, there are “excise taxes” added to the sale of alcohol, gas, … Continued

How do I file for office or search candidate filings?

Visit to apply to run for office anywhere in the state of Oregon. Remember to read the Campaign Finance FAQ and the Oregon Guide for Public Officials (2015). Review previous Sherman County election results on our Archive of County Election Results and search statewide candidate filings at

Where do I find upcoming election information?

Sherman County publishes an Election Notice prior to each election, found at the top of our Archive of County Election Results. Election results are published there and on the Oregon Secretary of State’s website.

Where do I go to place my vote?

Oregon has a vote-by-mail system in all Oregon counties. Your ballot and election materials will arrive by mail. Ballots can be filled in and mailed back or delivered to four county drop sites by 8 p.m. on election day. Here’s a list of drop-box sites: official drop sites, or search the statewide Oregon directory at … Continued

Where can I drop off my ballot?

Find the complete list of ballot drop-off locations, along with election-day hours, on the official Sherman County dropsite list.

Where do I find election results?

Sherman County publishes election results on the Oregon Secretary of State’s website and archives those results within our Archive of County Election Results online and at the County Clerk’s Office.

How do I request an absentee ballot?

If you will be temporarily away from home when ballots are mailed, you may request an absentee ballot at  In-state absentee ballots are mailed 14 to 18 days before each election. Out-of-state absentee ballots are mailed 30 days before the election.  Military and long-term absentee ballots are mailed 45 days before the election.  The … Continued

How do I register to vote?

You can register online if you have an Oregon Driver’s License, Permit, or I.D. number issued by the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles: If you do not have a DMV number or are changing your name,  please use the following link to the printable voter registration form: You will need to fill out, … Continued

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