Sherman County Board of Property Tax Appeals Board Openings

Posted on July 9, 2018

 The Sherman County Board of Property Tax Appeals (BOPTA) has board openings for the 2018-19 tax year. These positions are open to nonoffice-holding residents of Sherman County. A nonoffice-holding resident cannot be: a member of the county governing body, a member of the governing body of any taxing district within the county, an elected official within the county, a person employed in or hired by the county or any taxing district within the county, a former county assessor, or any appointee acting in the place of the assessor that held the office or was appointed during the tax year subject to appeal to BOPTA, or a person previously employed in or hired by the office of the assessor during the tax year subject to appeal to BOPTA.

Board members hear petitions for reduction of the real market, maximum assessed, specially assessed, and assessed value of property placed on the roll by the county assessor as of January 1, 2018. The board will also consider requests to waive penalties assessed for the late filing of real and personal property returns.

An initial training session is required for new members and for those members returning after a break in service.  Board members are required to attend training approved by the Department of Revenue at least every other year unless no petitions are filed. The BOPTA board generally meets for one or two sessions during the year between February and June. The one-year term ends on June 30, 2019.

If you are interested in being considered for the BOPTA board, please contact Jenine McDermid at 541-565-5002 or by email at: no later than Friday, September 28. BOPTA pool members will be appointed by the county governing body on October 3, 2018.

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