Sherman County is pleased to announce that departments will begin moving into the nearly completed courthouse addition during the week of December 11th. We are utilizing the Sherman eNews forum at this time rather than the Citizen Reporter due to the rapidly evolving construction schedule. The move-in to the addition has long been scheduled to occur in January but due to the coordination of the folks at Kirby Nagelhout Construction and the many project subcontractors the phased move-in will take place during mid to late December. We will announce in eNews when departments have been moved and how to best find their new location.
While the addition is substantially complete at this time, finish work on the interior and exterior of the structure will continue and landscaping will be completed during the spring months. The final major phase of the project will begin in early January with the renovation of the existing Courthouse. Construction will take place in two stages and is scheduled to be completed in June of 2018. The continued patience and support of the Sherman County community is greatly appreciated as several departments will be operating in temporary spaces and there will likely be many signs and sounds of construction in the months to come.
We wish to express our gratitude to our neighbors who have patiently endured the noise and other disruptions related to the project. Also, we appreciate those courthouse employees who have dealt with many months of being closer to the action than they may have preferred to be. While the project is not yet in the home stretch, the near completion of the addition represents a major milestone and we will provide updated project-related information in the near future. Finally, we are happy to report that in addition to being ahead of schedule, the project continues to operate within the adopted budget at this time.
~Submitted by Heath Gardner, Wenaha Group and Ron McDermid, Sherman County Courthouse Project Steering Committee member