FAQ Topic: Culture & recreation

How do I apply to become a 4-H Leader?

The 4-H Leader forms are at https://extension.oregonstate.edu/4h/sherman/volunteers.  A background check is required.  The Sherman 4-H Association (formerly 4-H Leaders Assn) meets monthly at the OSU Extension Office at 66365 Lonerock Rd. Moro, OR 97039.

How do I enroll my child in 4-H?

February 15 is the last day to enroll in 4-H within Sherman County for this year. Contact Cindy Brown at Oregon State University to begin that process: (541) 565-3230 or cindy.brown@oregonstate.edu.  Enroll your child using this link  The 4-H year officially begins in October and runs through September.  Sherman County 4-H enrollments are done in … Continued

Can I tour the John Day Lock and Dam?

“John Day is not open to the public, but visitors can view the dam from Giles French Park, located just downstream of the dam. Giles French is a great scenic viewpoint to get pictures and see the third largest hydropower dam in the nation. The Dalles Dam and Bonneville Dam, which are further west, both … Continued

What is there to do in Sherman County?

Challenge yourself to world-class windsurfing on the Columbia, bass fishing on the John Day River, whitewater rafting on the Deschutes, and upland game hunting in our wide-open spaces! Listen to the sound of rushing waters, the rustling of ripe winter wheat, the squeal of 4-H project pigs at the Sherman County Fair, and cheering fans … Continued

How do I apply for a controlled hunt?

Select the “Controlled Hunt” option on the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife license ordering page. Find big-game details at the Columbia and Central Oregon Big Game Hunting sections of the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife website.

How can my child enroll in Future Farmers of America?

Find the Sherman County FFA program at Sherman County School, 65912 High School Loop in Moro; call (541) 565-3500. Further contact details and account registration are at http://shermancountyffa.theaet.com/AETContactUs.aspx.

How can I help kids in the community?

Thanks for asking! Sherman County is building a Prevention team that will look into strategies to promote healthy life choices. There also are a variety of youth programs you can volunteer for; you can join the Parent Teacher Organization/Boosters, become a Scholar reader, mentor a youth, train to be a Court-Appointed Special Advocate, and become … Continued

Who can answer my questions about canning and food preservation?

Cindy Brown in the Sherman County Extension Office is a Master Food Preserver; reach her at (541) 565-3230 or cindy.brown@oregonstate.edu.  For additional information or to learn about food preservation classes offered in the Mid-Columbia, check out the Wasco County Extension website at   http://extension.oregonstate.edu/wasco/family-community-development. Oregon State University’s information on food preservation and the summer “hotlines” for … Continued

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