Sherman County Ambulance is used for emergencies only where individuals are taken to the nearest hospital. For rides to medical appointments, as well as to many other locations outside the local area, please contact Sherman Transit for scheduling details.
The county transportation department manages approximately 484 miles of county roads throughout the 831 square miles of Sherman County. These same roads are also patrolled by the Sherman County Sheriff’s Office.
Our website has the name and contact information of the current sheriff. The Sherman County sheriff is directly accountable to the people, with an election every four years.
Sherman County Ambulance Service has 12 Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), 3 EMT-Intermediates, 10 Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs), and 2 Certified Drivers. These personnel live throughout the county: Rufus, Wasco, Moro, Grass Valley, and Kent.
We cover all of Sherman County, which is 831 square miles. Thankfully, South Sherman Fire & Rescue District (RFPD) was able to step up and contract with the Oregon Raceway Park in Grass Valley to cover their events for full-county coverage when an ambulance is needed.
The response time is a measurement of time that starts from the initial dispatch until the ambulance is enroute to the scene. In 2021, the average response time for the Sherman County Ambulance Service was 7.45 minutes. This year, the response time as of October is 6.0 minutes. Both of these times are well within … Continued
Sign up for the Ever Bridge alert system at to receive alerts whenever a public emergency happens. Messages can be sent to individuals using a variety of contact mechanisms, including cell phones, landlines, emails, and text messaging in minutes. Citizens listed in the 9-1-1 database (phone books) are automatically subscribed by landline. However, we … Continued
Contact the Sherman County Weed District, which is responsible for preventing the establishment and spread of noxious weeds in accordance with State, Federal, and County weed laws through development of weed control measures. The Weed District Supervisor can help you identify and map out a plan to control noxious weeds on your land.
The Frontier Regional Alert Mass Notification system is an Emergency Notification system designed to provide emergency notifications to residents and businesses. An emergency notification system gives Sherman County emergency management the ability to deliver pre-recorded emergency notifications and information messages. The system utilizes home phones, cell phones, texts, and electronic mail messaging. The system within … Continued