FAQ Topic: Licenses

How do I apply for a controlled hunt?

Select the “Controlled Hunt” option on the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife license ordering page. Find big-game details at the Columbia and Central Oregon Big Game Hunting sections of the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife website.

How much does it cost for a Concealed Handgun License?

Concealed Handgun License renewal is $50 for out-of-state applicants and $65 for new applicants. There is no cost for Sherman County residents to renew their license; a renewal is required every four years. Note that license holders should renew in their county of residence.

Does the county require a business license?

Sherman County does not require a business license to do business with or within the county. However, the state of Oregon does require business registration, at a cost of $50 biannually. To be compliant, register your business at http://sos.oregon.gov/business/Pages/register.aspx, and select that you intend to also do business from Sherman County. You’ll also want to … Continued

How do I file for a liquor license?

The liquor license must be obtained from the Oregon Liquor Control Commission. Once obtained it can be filed with the Sherman County Courthouse for a $25 fee, and recorded following Sherman County Court approval (ORS 471.166(7)). The OLCC also issues permits to serve alcohol.

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