Your Assessed Value (AV) can increase for two reasons: An Exception Event Or if your previous year’s Real Market Value was lower than your Maximum Assessed Value and now your Real Market Value is more than your Maximum Assessed value. If so, you may see a jump in your Assessed Value, depending on how low … Continued
Real Market Value (RMV) is typically the price your property would sell for in a transaction between a willing buyer and a willing seller on January 1, the assessment date for the tax year. To estimate the initial RMV for your property, your county assessor appraises your property using a physical inspection and a comparison … Continued
Assessed Value (AV) is the lower of last year’s Maximum Assessed Value (MAV) plus 3%, or the current Real Market Value (RMV). This value provides the baseline for your tax-bill calculation.
Residents of Sherman County become eligible for the Resident Incentive Program after they have lived here one year. This one-year residency requirement must be met by the time applications are due, which is August 31 each year. Applicants must apply every year to receive payment. The current payment is $590 per household, per year, and … Continued
After a year of residency, those who move to (or remain in) Sherman County are eligible for payments through the Sherman County Resident Incentive Program, established in 2009. The current payment is $590 per household per year and must be applied for each year.
Contact a Master Gardener in the Oregon State University Sherman County Extension Office, such as Master Gardener Cindy Brown. Cindy can be reached at (541) 565-3230 or Or contact Michelle Sager of the Master Gardener Program in Wasco County, (541) 565-5494 or, and ask about the plant clinic and available resources. Get further … Continued
Sawyers True Value in The Dalles does soil testing for $25 per sample. The Sherman County Extension Office has the details for taking your soil sample. Soil is tested for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, pH, humus, and soil texture.
Contact Jacob Powell at Wasco County Extension Office for the current list of agricultural classes offered in the Mid-Columbia; he can be reached at (541) 565-5494 or The core manual is sold at Wasco County Extension, 400 E. Scenic Drive, Suite 2, in The Dalles as well as the Sherman County Extension Office, 66365 … Continued
Yes, contact the Oregon State University Extension Service in Moro to be added to its newsletter mailing list. Archives are available online, at OSU also offers a research magazine through its Agricultural Experiment Station; subscribe for free. Use its Ask the Expert tool for further questions.