“The Citizen Reporter” is Sherman County’s bi-monthly newsletter, produced by the County Court Administrative Assistant. The newsletter contains events and news submitted by entities within the County. Each edition is published online, with printed copies sent to residents countywide. Extra copies often can be found at the Sherman County Senior/Community Center in Moro, Oregon.
If you lose your Uniformed Services ID Card, go to the nearest Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification System (RAPIDS) site and obtain your new card. The nearest is the National Guard Readiness Center at Fort Dalles, billed as “the finest single-unit armory in the country” and housed on the campus of Columbia Gorge Community College. Veterans … Continued
You must have an honorable discharge from the military to qualify for VA medical care. Email veteranservice@co.sherman.or.us or call (541) 705-0051 to find out if you otherwise qualify.
The Tri-County Veterans Services officer provides veteran assistance for everything from disability claims to home-loan paperwork. See the full list of services on the Tri-County Veterans Services page. Services are provided to veterans with discharges that are not “dishonorable” or “bad conduct” discharges. However, the Tri-County Veterans Service officer also can provide help in fighting … Continued
You can reach the Tri-County Veterans Officer at (541) 705-0051 in the Sherman County Senior Center, 300 Duey Street in Moro. Office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
If the veteran is on VA Medical, check with your VA primary care provider if you would like a referral to a non-VA provider. If not on VA Medical, contact the Veteran’s Officer to sign up. 541-705-0051. If on VA Medical but need urgent or emergency care go to the nearest Urgent Care or ER … Continued
Apply by printing, reading, and filling out the Concealed Handgun License Application. Please note that the public cannot bring a gun, even with a permit, into the Sherman County Courthouse. The Concealed Handgun License Notice lists other places in the county (and beyond) where members of the public cannot legally carry a gun, even with … Continued