FAQ Topic: Parking/traffic tickets
The County does not issue parking tickets (though other agencies may). However, if you receive a traffic ticket, secure online payments can be made through the “Pay Online” icon at the Justice Court page or through the “Make a Payment” tab on the homepage or any answer page (see options above).
If you are convicted of a traffic violation, the court is required to inform the Oregon DMV, and the DMV will put the conviction on your driving record. If you live outside of Oregon, the Oregon DMV will send the information to your home state. If you enroll in and successfully complete the Traffic Diversion … Continued
Read and follow the Impound Release Instructions.
If you qualify for the Court’s Traffic Diversion Program, you may be able to keep a ticket off your record. You can apply with the Traffic Diversion Application.
Payments may be made in person, through the mail, over the phone, or online. Acceptable forms of payment are cash, check, cashier’s check, money order, and credit/debit card. Select the “Make a Payment” option on any FAQ page, or select the payment icon at the bottom of the Justice Court page, to make a payment … Continued
Because citations filed into the Justice Court are for violations rather than traffic crimes, you are not entitled to a court-appointed attorney. However, you are entitled to seek representation at your own expense.
If you have received a ticket for a traffic violation or some other form of violation, there are important steps that you must follow. You are innocent until proven guilty and you have the right to defend yourself or to obtain an attorney for your defense. Because these are not criminal charges, you are not … Continued
If you have received a ticket for a traffic violation or some other form of violation, there is a way to request mitigation. Mitigation must be requested prior to making any payment for that ticket. Visit the Justice Court page to review that steps you must follow to request mitigation and dispute a ticket. (Note … Continued