Juvenile Traffic Diversion Program & Application

The Court offers a diversion program for Juvenile drivers who are interested in an opportunity to possibly avoid a conviction.  In order to be eligible for this program, a Juvenile cannot have a pending motor vehicle citation in this or any other court, been convicted of a moving traffic violation in the past, and the citing Deputy or Trooper must agree.

If a Juvenile is approved for the program, a $100 fee will be payable to the Court.  Completion of a traffic safety class, at the Juvenile’s additional expense, also will be required.  Finally, a compliance period — beginning on the date the citation was issued and ending on a date that is a certain number of months following completion of the class — will be in effect, during which time no further violations will be allowed.

At the end of the compliance period, if all terms of the diversion have been successfully completed, the charge will be dismissed.  In the event that a participant in the program does not comply with all the terms of the diversion, the presumed fine (less the amount previously paid) will be due and a conviction will be entered on the driving record.

If you would like to participate in the Sherman County Justice Court Juvenile Traffic Diversion Program, please complete the Traffic Diversion Application below. Requests for Diversion must be made PRIOR to payment of the presumptive fine.

By submitting the traffic diversion form you are entering a no contest plea and if found to be ineligible for the program the presumptive fine could be lowered dependent on your driving history.  Please call the Justice Court Office if you have any questions before submitting this form.

Juvenile Traffice Diversion Application

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